Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Generational Gap is it narrowing?

Hello, my name is Dr. Sven Hasafeffer. I'd like to know if the package from Amazon arrived? It was actually addressed to Kathy Winkler, however I was told Jennifer got it by mistake, oops. We missed a drone delivery by just 1 house not bad. It says Safety Matters Inc Auburn Washington 98002. She confirmed with me she had it. She probably lost it or left it at Hannah's and Jeremy's house last night. Oh, well that's not important, I'll just ship you the envelope, again. There it should be on the porch, now. After the test is over. I included a catalog from Sears and Roebuck circa1900, please use it to compare prices in the frugal shopper bonus section.
1. What is your name, age and grade level?
2. Who are your parents?
3. What year were your parents born?
4. How much money did it take for them to support their family for one year?
5. How much money do your parents make in 1 year today?
6. Which came first television or the internet?
7. Where's it funner to play inside or outside?
8. What's the difference between rural or the city?
9. How do you get your news about the world?
10. Did you have fun doing this project?

Parents please make sure you watch the video before you include the younger kids, because some of the cartoons are shall I say slightly, um, older. Well, you decide which cartoons to use and I apologize, if any of the materials offended anyone. That was not our intention at all. Please enjoy the experiment. If you can have Kathy Winkler or Jennifer Richards to send it back tomorrow or schedule a drone pickup.

Thank You

Steve Carpenter

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