Friday, December 9, 2016 or dot.bomb?

Actually pretty amazing how phenomenon started your story about the Tulips going viral and getting worth $375 per bulb, that's just insane to me. I mean you can go up into tulip country in the spring and buy some pretty expensive bulbs, but not anywhere near that kind of money. The dot-com craze created several millionaires, for example, Maria Cantwell who made her money from Real Audio, then became a senator. Mark Cuban became a billionaire mostly because of dot-com ventures, most notably when he sold his company broadcast to Yahoo for 5.7 billion dollars.

Your demonstration with the dinosaurs representing the early internet companies, such as Prodigy, CompuServe, Genie, AOL and Delphi was entertaining to say the least and very informative. To think that prodigy was bringing in sixty six million dollars a month just giving people access to the internet that blows me away. The fact that infospace a glorified phone book for people and businesses was trading on the stock market higher than Boeing and worth more than Boeing that's amazing and scary at the same time.

In 2001 several smaller companies declared bankruptcy, for example, Exodus Communications, Freezone, and Luminant Worldwide, just to name a few. A great deal of stocks went down and many CEOs were laid off. 2002 Amazon posted it's first profit, eBay was successful and AOL bought Time Warner in a reverse purchase, because AOL was actually a smaller company then Time Warner at the time. In 2005, sites like Myspace and Friendster start up and Google goes public. They also acquire YouTube for 1.65 billion dollars and Microsoft bought 1.6% of Facebook.

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